Cataract, surgery or no surgery and when to do it.
Cataract, surgery or no surgery and when to do it. Corneal lens is a clear convex lens behind iris. It is the purpose of direct light to the retina. When corneal lens degenerates with time, it becomes less clear and allow less light to pass through, making the images that we see through our eyes blurrier. This condition is called cataract In most cases cataract is found in patients ages 60 and above and is an early-stage of cataract that does not impaired the vision. However, as time goes by the condition will worsen and will start to decrease the vision. Symptoms of cataract: As the transparency of the corneal lens degrade slowly, it is related to how the vision also becoming blur slowly over time. This happens without any symptoms such as conjunctivitis or soreness of the eyes. The vision is decrease when view in the places with low light, similar to looking through fog or opaque glass. Some type of cataract makes the decreases the vision of the patients when they are in bright open area or when driving at night and unable to focus on the light of the vehicles in front. If the cataract is left untreated for long time, the eyes will have the appearance of white in the center of the eyes. Nowadays this is less common as it is becoming easier for people to have access to the hospital for