Praram 9 Hospital celebrates its 30th anniversary, reaffirming its position as a comprehensive healthcare center for more than three decades and laying out the strategy to become a full Digital Hospital through Digital Transformation. Changing the corporate culture Ready to collaborate with technology partners Join forces to develop medical services in all dimensions.
Doctor Satian Pooprasert, CEO of Praram 9 Hospital emphasized the importance of building a private hospital that meets the highest international guidelines and JCI accreditation while ensuring fair pricing and holistic care focusing on both preventative and reactive medicine.

In the advent of the Digital hospital transformation, we took this opportunity to create a CAT Cultuure as defined by the following:
- C – Collaboration: The unification of all staff, allies and partnerships to create excellent helathcare service for all.
- A – Agility: The ability to adapt and thrive in new environments and challenges. We aim to incorporate new thinking and paradigms to help deliver the safest and fastest care in the ever-changing environment and increasing challenges during the pandemic.
- T – Trust: Our hospital aims to provide services adhering to world-class standard, and to the latest evidence-based medicine while still emphasizing compassion and the human touch.

In conjunction with the digital transformation paradigm shift, Praram 9 Hospital has emphasized that the importance of Decentralized Healthcare services should start from the home (home centric),to provide convenience and timely care. We aim to use techonology to provide care that is accessible anywhere at anytime, via our telemedicine platform and the integration of medical devices to ensure that patients are being closely taken care of at home.

We also collaborated with various partners such as KBTG to usher in the digital revolution and develop the Total Digital Healthcare Service which enhances our healthcare delivery. Examples of digitalization includes the automated and seamless vaccination prescription and delivery system, and the use of AI to analyze radiographical imaging.

This year’s 30th anniversary celebration also showcased many innovations and techonologies including the CGMS blood sugar analyzer, Watch Patch sleep analyzer, Comarch ECG monitor, and Dietz all inclusive vital sign analyzer. Other highlights were the Metaverse booth, BOTNOI, a disease screening chatbot and KTBG, Total Solutions Medical Service System.
Further, to celebrate the 30th year anniversary, we have organized a special promotion with more than 30 full check-up programs for all ages, as well as other exclusive deals on Shopee Mall and mega discounts available at https://shopee.co.th/praram9hospital_official from now until 31st of July 2022.
Consult your health and schedule an appointment with a specialist doctor at:
www.praram9.com / FB: Praram 9 hospital / Line: lin.ee/vR9xrQs or @praram9hospital or Call. 1270, Rama 9 Hospital HEALTHCARE YOU CAN TRUST about health… trust us.#Praram9Hospital