Solve doubts, increase knowledge to take care of the health of yourself and your family
7 additional risk factors that may increase your risk of breast cancer in women
7 additional risk factors that may increase your risk of breast cancer in women What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is a type of cancer found in the breast, can occur
7 risk factors that may increase your risk of breast cancer in women
7 risk factors that may increase your risk of breast cancer in women What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is a type of cancer found in the breast, can occur in
6 addtional risk factors that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer
What can you do to lower your risk of colorectal cancer What is colon cancer? Colon cancer is a type of cancer found in the large intestine in our digestive tracts.
Proper way of taking your medication to avoid unintentional damage to your kidney
Proper way of taking your medication to avoid unintentional damage to your kidney A lot of patients around the world are having issue with their kidneys and many patients also have
What type of food can you consume after kidney transplant
What type of food can you consume after kidney transplant? Kidney’s patients need to concern themselves with what they put into their body because of the reduction in their kidney performance,
What are the methods by which COVID-19 spread
What are the methods by which COVID-19 spread? What are the most common way of catching COVID-19? Anyone can catch the virus from another person who is a host of COVID-19. The
How to protect yourself against the new coronavirus
How to protect yourself against the new coronavirus? During this pendamic of COVID-19, we should protect ourselves through these measures that we are going to address in this articles and by
Basic information about COVID-19 that you should know
Basic information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) that you should know What is coronavirus? The most recently discovered coronavirus disesase COVID-19 are a part of a large family of viruses which may cause illness
6 Coronavirus COVID-19 mythbusters
6 Coronavirus COVID-19 mythbusters 1. How effective are thermal scanners in detecting people infected with the new coronavirus? Thermal scanner used to detech temperature through visual indication. When someon has fever due