Solve doubts, increase knowledge to take care of the health of yourself and your family
Breast cancer
Breast Cancer Breast cancer Breast cancer is still the number 1 cancer most commonly occur in women globally and how upsetting it is that there is the risk to lose
Allergies is not so bad once you know how to take care of it
Allergies is not so bad once you know how to take care of it Allergies Allergies can be separated in to 2 main groups: Seasonal allergies and year-round (perennial) allergies. Symptoms
Tea, Coffee and exercise
Tea, coffee and exercise, why do my stomach still ache? COFFEE There has been an effort to study and compare different type of coffee and the method of making coffee
metabolic syndrome
Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is the medical term used to describe the condition which is a byproduct of obesity affecting the metabolism of the body. This medical condition can lead to hyperlipidemia
Kidney Disease, quiet danger. Relating to metabolic syndrome.
Kidney Disease, quiet danger. Relating to metabolic syndrome. Kidney disease is one of the dangerous diseases that is becoming more prevalent among patients in relation to metabolic syndrome, which is the causes
High blood pressure in young adult part 2
High blood pressure in young adults. Part 2 As we have discussed to some length on high blood pressure in young adults, the cause for concern and the condition of patients that
High blood pressure in young adults. Part 1
High blood pressure in young adults. Part 1 When you come in for a checkup with the hospital, whether it’s headache, fever, toothache, fall injury, insomnia or to give birth, everyone will
The spread of coronavirus from Wuhan, China is resulting in the deaths of a large numbers of people, Chinese authorities have to issue strict measures to stop the spreading of the virus.
Praram 9 Hospital Strictly Preventive Measures In Oder To Build Patient Confident
The spread of coronavirus from Wuhan, China is resulting in the deaths of a large numbers of people, Chinese authorities have to issue strict measures to stop the spreading of the virus.