Solve doubts, increase knowledge to take care of the health of yourself and your family
Bladder Cancer
The bladder is a part of the lower urinary tract system, which consists of bladder, urethra, prostate gland in males, and reproduction organ. The bladder works to receive the urine from the
Bile Duct Cancer
Bile duct cancer comes from the mucosa cell of the bile duct, which includes the bile duct inside the liver and the bile duct outside the liver. It is found in males
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a very common disease in Thailand and is the top cause of death in both males and females. However, the lung cancer can be completely cured if it is
The damage that occurs to the heart might affect the level of electric current in the heart and cause irregular heartbeat. Arrhythmia is a disturbance that causes the heartbeat to change. This
Self-care for patients with heart failure
Learn about the symptoms of edema, which are weight gain, swelling, fatigue, unable to lie down, or gasping for breath at night. If the symptoms occur, inform the doctor or nurse who
Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the kidneys, which is caused by the abnormal growth of tissue cells and kidney pelvis. These cells divide uncontrollably. If not receiving
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) can occur when the heart cannot pump adequate blood to all parts of the body. When the heart is weak or destroyed, the ability of pumping blood becomes
Diabetes Complications
Heart disease is the main cause of death that relates with diabetes. The mortality rate from heart disease in diabetic patients is about 2-4 times of non-diabetic patients. Myocardial ischemia The risk