Solve doubts, increase knowledge to take care of the health of yourself and your family
Lumbar Disc Herniation : Risks of Untreated Nerve Compression
Individuals with lumbar disc herniation compressing the nerves often experience symptoms that significantly impact their daily lives. These symptoms typically include back pain or hip pain that radiates down the leg.
What causes “Heart Palpitations,” and are they dangerous?
Explore the causes and management of heart palpitations. Learn about potential underlying conditions and when to seek medical attention.
Understanding and Preventing Diabetic Eye Complications
Learn about diabetic eye complications and how to manage them. Discover preventive measures and treatment options to safeguard your vision. Contact us for comprehensive eye care and diabetic eye screenings.
The Importance of Carotid Artery Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention
Understand the significance of carotid artery ultrasound in evaluating vascular health. Learn about early detection of blockages and preventive measures.
Scarless Thyroid Surgery : Endoscopic Approach through the Mouth (#TOETVA)
Tired of the idea of a neck scar from thyroid surgery? There’s a new, minimally invasive option: Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy (TOETVA). This article explores TOETVA, its benefits, and why it might be the right choice for you.
Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which can lead to vision problems. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in adults, especially in older people. They can develop in one or both eyes.
“New Kidney, New Life” The Kidney Transplant Surgery Experience at Praram 9 Hospital
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) significantly impacts the quality of life for patients due to the necessity of ongoing hemodialysis treatment. Hemodialysis serves as a vital substitute for the impaired kidney function, facilitating the removal of waste products from the body.
Screening for kidney disease before it’s too late
The kidneys play important role in the body; they are responsible for various essential functions. They facilitate the elimination of waste through urine, regulate the body’s mineral balance, control water levels, and maintain the blood’s acidity and alkalinity.
LASIK Vision Correction – Seeking freedom from glasses or contact lenses.
“No regrets after LASIK” You might have heard this from others, but you should experience this with your own eyes, with the aid of modern technology.