Solve doubts, increase knowledge to take care of the health of yourself and your family

What is mineral water and how many types?
What is mineral water and how many types? If you are feeling weak or lack of energy after a diarrhea, vomit or intense exercise session, mineral water might be the most common

Nose care. How to perform nasal wash safely.
Nose care. How to perform nasal wash safely. What is nasal wash? Many of us are probably unfamiliar with cleaning the internal area of the nose as getting water into our

What are the methods for detecting colon cancer?
What are the methods for detecting colon cancer? What is colon cancer? Colon cancer is a type of cancer found in the large intestine in our digestive tracts. It can start

Nose care. 12 Benefits of nasal wash.
Nose care. 12 Benefits of nasal wash. What is nasal wash? Many of us are probably unfamiliar with cleaning the internal area of the nose as getting water into our nose

Information about colonoscopy for colorectal cancer
Information about colonoscopy for colorectal cancer If you are experiencing indigestion, is not about to fully relieve your bowel, frequently having diarrhea, smaller size stool with blood or abnormal tumor extending

5 risk factors that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer
5 risk factors that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer What is colon cancer? Colon cancer is a type of cancer found in the large intestine in our digestive tracts.

How to prepare for colorectal cancer treatment
How to prepare for colorectal cancer treatment If you are experiencing indigestion, is not about to fully relieve your bowel, frequently having diarrhea, smaller size stool with blood or abnormal tumor

How stomach ache can become cancer
How stomach ache can become cancer Stomachache and indigestion are just two of many symptoms related to stomach which in medical terms call Peptic ulcer which normally occur directly at the

Dry eyes condition and its cause
Dry eyes condition and its cause What is dry eyes condition? Dry eyes condition is a condition where by the eyes does not have sufficient tears to keep the eyes moist. This