Tea, Coffee and exercise
Tea, coffee and exercise, why do my stomach still ache? COFFEE There has been an effort to study and compare different type of coffee and the method of making coffee such as fresh coffee, instant coffee and drinking coffee at different temperature like hot and cold coffee. Adding on to this, the concentration of the coffee, its taste: bitterness and sweetness, all of these to answer the question of what is the source of stomach ache. What is confirm in the study is that there is some sort of chemical that help to activate the process of releasing the chemical gastrin which resulted in the stomach releasing more gastric acid than normal. The study also found that drinking decaffeinated coffee resulted in much more release of gastrin than in caffeinated coffee, we can conclude from this that this chemical is not caffeine. The increase in gastric acid causing the sensation of burning in the stomach from which the excess acid goes through the intestinal tracts. This led to the contraction of the intestinal muscle which produce the feeling of pain or soreness to the abdominal areas and bloating. Furthermore, in some cases, eating snacks and high fats content food at the same time as drinking coffee can be another factors that lead to stomach ache. Coffee also affect the gallbladder by activating the production of cholecystokinin, which squeezes the gallbladder. People with gallstones issue will have