Praram 9 Hospital opened the Thyroid and Thyroid Surgery Center ushering in a team of multidisiplinary experts in thyroid and endocrine diseases equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipments and technology. The hospital offers both open thyroid surgery and miniamlly invasive, scar-free thyroid surgeries such as endoscopic thryoidectomy via the armpit, behind the ear, transorally or breast.

Our thyroid specialist highlighted that thyroid disease in general, including toxic multinodular goitre, hypothyroidism, benign tumors and malignant thyroid cancer can be 5-10 times more common in females than males. Some patients can have non-specific symptoms such as fatigue or weight loss, which can lead to a missed diagnosis, leading to delayed treatment and disease progression. More importantly, life-threatening disease complications can also occur, such as obstruction in the esophagus or trachea, mass invasion in the chest cavity, or progression of thyroid cancer and eventual metastasis. At the Thyroid and Thyroid Surgery Center, we aim to ensure that thorough investigation and management are delivered and that our medical experts provide continuous follow-up to ensure the utmost safety and wellbeing of our patients.

Thyroid dysfunction can be divided into three subtypes: overstimulation of the thyroid gland (hyperthryoidism), understimultaion (hypothyroidism) and euthyroidism.

Praram 9’s thyroid surgeon, Dr. Suchart Chanthawiboon, was the first surgeon in Thailand to perform endoscopic thyroid surgery during the technique’s first inception. Endoscopic thyroidectomy is a technique widely used nowadays due to its minimally invasive procedure, minimal scarring, and reduced complications and downtime.

Dr. Thanyawat Sasanakiatkul, another of the hospital’s thyroid surgeon noted that an additional endoscopic thyroidectomy method is oral laparoscopy, which is a new treatment option that leaves no scars on the neck, with reduced chance of complications such as hoarseness, parathyroid gland injury, or hypocalcemia.

Currently there is a high prevalence of thyroid disorders in the general population, many of which can remain asymptomatic. Therefore, a yearly-check up as well as self-monitoring for any thyroid nodules or increase in gland size is recommended. Once abnormality is detected, patients can be promptly referred to our Thyroid center for proper disease management to ensure that they have the best treatment outcomes and the highest quality of life possible.

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