Specialized medical team in each field

Prof.Dr.Pradit Prateepavanich
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

TCM.Dr. Tantanisa Wettayaprasit (Mi Xue Er) 蜜雪儿 中医师
Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

Dr.North Techawathanawanna
Kidney Disease and Transplantation Institute

Dr.Jintana Kasemsuwan
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Clin. Prof. Dr. Sarana Boonbaichaiyapruck
Praram 9 Cardiovascular Institute

TCM.Dr. Thunyarat Mieymongkol (Lin Hui Wen) 林慧文 中医师
Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

Dr.Krongthip Luangvichcharoen
Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Center

Dr.Kritsana Kientchockwiwat
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute