Specialized medical team in each field

Prof.Dr.Pradit Prateepavanich
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Jintana Kasemsuwan
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Kritsana Kientchockwiwat
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Surapol Kesprayura
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Kattika Phumiphithakkun
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Assist. Prof. Witsanu Kumthornthip
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Piyavit Sorachaimetha
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Piyawath Srisawatnupap
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Nattha Saisavoey
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Assist. Prof. Nantthasorn Zinboonyahgoon
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Assist. Prof. Chandhanarat Chandhanayingyong
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Apiporn Garnjanagoonchorn
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Attasit Sittitaworn
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Dr.Tewich Chalermwiwatkit
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Waree Chira-Adisai
The Advanced Pain Management and Wellness Institute