Dr.Sitthi Petchrutchatachart
Neurology Center
Praram 9 Hospital
- Neurology
- Parkinson’s disease and Movement disorders
- Ultrasound guidance botulinum toxin injection for dystonia and spasticity
- Deep brain stimulation(DBS) implantation and programming
- 2024 Certificate of Genomic Medicine for Thai board certified physicians (refreshing course), The Medical Council of Thailand
- 2013 Master of Science (Medicine), Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- 2013 Diploma in Movement Disorders, Chulalongkorn Center of Excellence on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Thailand
- 2011 Thai Board of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
- 2005 Doctor of Medicine (1st Class Honors), Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
Research Articles
1) Petchrutchatachart S, Dejthevaporn C. Causes and Clinical Characteristics of Acquired Neuromuscular Weakness in Intensive Care Unit. Thai Journal of Neurol. 2011 Jan-Mar; 1(1): 63
2) Petchrutchatachart S, Limotai N, Jagota P, Singmaneesakulchai S, Bhidayasiri R. 1.274 Case report: Neuroferritinopathy with early bulbar involvement. Parkinsonism & Related Dis. 2012;18:S65
3) Jitkritsadakul O, Jagota P, Petchrutchatachart S, Sansopha L, Rerknimitr R, Bhidayasiri R. Recurrent Pancreatitis as a Rare Complication of Duodenal Levodopa Infusion Treatment. Movement Dis. 2013;28(9)
4) D. Surangsrirat, A. Intarapanich, C. Thanawattano, R. Bhidayasiri, S. Petchrutchatachart and C. Anan, “Tremor assessment using spiral analysis in time-frequency domain,” 2013 Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon, Jacksonville, FL, USA, 2013, pp. 1-6
5) Bhidayasiri R, Petchrutchatachart S, Pongthornseri R, Anan C, Dumnin S, Thanawattano C. Low-cost, 3-dimension, office-based inertial sensors for automated tremor assessment: technical development and experimental verification. J Parkinsons Dis. 2014;4(2):273-82
6) Bhidayasiri R, Jitkritsadakul O, Petchrutchatachart S, Kaewwilai L, Panyakaew P, Boonrod N, Colosimo C. Nocturnal manifestations of atypical and vascular parkinsonism: how do they differ from Parkinson’s disease? J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2014 Aug;121 Suppl 1:S69-77
7) Bhidayasiri R, Mekawichai P, Jitkritsadakul O, Panyakaew P, Kaewwilai L, Boonrod N, Petchrutchatachart S, Jagota P, Boonpeng K, Singmaneesakulchai S, Setthawatcharawanich S. Nocturnal journey of body and mind in Parkinson’s disease: the manifestations, risk factors and their relationship to daytime symptoms. Evidence from the NIGHT-PD study. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2014 Aug;121 Suppl 1:S59-68.
8) Jagota P, Kaewwilai L, Boonrod N, Singmaneesakulchai S, Boonpang K, Sringean J, Jitkritsadakul O, Petchrutchatachart S. Impact of Neu-botulinumtoxinA on the Severity and Quality of Life of Cervical Dystonia Patients. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2016 Aug 4;6:407
9) Jagota P, Srivanitchapoom P, Petchrutchatachart S, Singmaneesakulchai S, Pisarnpong A, Lolekha P, Setthawatcharawanich S, Chairangsaris P, Limotai N, Mekawichai P, Panyakaew P, Phokaewvarangkul O, Sringean J, Pitakpatapee Y, LaPelle N, Martinez-Martin P, Ren X, Luo S, Stebbins GT, Goetz CG, Bhidayasiri R. Validation of the Thai Version of the Movement Disorder Society-Sponsored Revision of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale. J Mov Disord. 2022;15(2):151-155.
Scientific Presentations
1) XIX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders 2011, Shanghai, China. “The diagnostic challenge of Neuroferritinopathy in Thailand: When to suspect when genetic test is unavailable?” Petchrutchatachart S, Limotai N, Jagota P, Singmaneesakulchai S, Bhidayasiri R.
2) 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders 2012, Dublin, Ireland “Case report: Leukodystrophy with ataxia and primary ovarian insufficiency” Petchrutchatachart S, Limotai N, Bhidayasiri R.
3) 17th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders 2013, Sydney, Australia “Differentiating Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor by Measuring The Dynamics of Tremor” Petchrutchatachart S, Thanawattano C, Pongthornseri R, Dumnin S, Anan C, Bhidayasiri R.
4) 4th Asian and Oceanian Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Congress 2014, Pattaya, Thailand “Identifying tremor properties from 3-D gyroscopic assessment to distinguish Parkinson’s disease tremor from essential tremor” Petchrutchatachart S, Thanawattano C, Pongthornseri R, Dumnin S, Anan C, Bhidayasiri R.